As we wrap up the term, we are revising all the concepts that we learnt in the past seven weeks.

In Literacy, we have been learning to write a Procedural text. We are revising verbs, nouns and adjectives apart from the basic punctuation. Students can write a procedure with proper structure and language features.

In Numeracy, we learnt about fractions and different ways to work out the fraction of a group of items using the real world objects as well as counters. Then we made a fraction art piece, using circles of different colours and cutting them out into halves, quarters and thirds. The results were amazing!

In Geography, we labelled the map of Australia with different states and territories. We also labelled the capital cities and important landmarks of Australia on the map. The students are learning about continents and oceans of the world and how to locate Australia and its neighbouring countries on the world map.

Here is a recount about the excursion to Shepparton Heritage Centre by Ayesha Khan:

On Thursday 30th May, our whole class went to Shepparton Heritage Centre, which is a museum. When we went inside, we met Geoff. He showed us many pictures and videos about old Shepparton. We learnt that in place of Aquamoves, there used to be a big open swimming pool. They cut the trees down and dug the soil out to make the Victoria Park Lake.

Then we saw a picture that was 100 years old of SPC. We saw machines that were used in the old days like typewriters, washing machines, old bikes and much more. We could not touch anything because if we broke anything they could not get another one of the same kind as they are rare.

After that, we were divided into 5 groups of 3 for the scavenger hunt. We were given some pictures of the objects in the museum and we had to locate them, find out their names and what they were used for. It was fun!

In the end, we all went outside to see the Maguire’s Punt. Geoff also told us how the course of the Goulburn River has changed over time. We got to learn some really interesting facts about old Shepparton and what the life of people was like in the olden days.


*Please note that all the homework (including Mathletics and ReadingEggs tasks) are going to be marked on SEQTA. So it is very important for the students to complete their homework tasks on a weekly basis. Remember to sign the reading log when your child reads the home readers as there are marks allocated for that as well.

Mrs. Gurtirath Singh
Year 2 Teacher